Treadlift Thread facelift prices
Non-surgical thread lifting has become an increasing trend in recent years with the advancement of technology and treatment techniques. The ability to perform the procedure in an office setting under local anesthesia, its non-disruptive nature to social life, and the minimal side effects certainly provide ease of treatment. For these reasons, it is among the most frequently preferred procedures by our clients.
The prices for non-surgical thread lifting can vary depending on the lifting power, quality, and quantity of the threads used. Among the most important factors determining effectiveness are the skill of the practitioner and the number of threads applied. The more threads that are used, the greater the lifting effect that can be achieved. Additionally, ensuring that the threads are not superficial and are placed in the correct plane are also factors that influence the clinical outcome.
In our clinic, we perform non-surgical face and neck lifting using absorbable PDO (polydioxanone) Moulding Cog threads. The procedure lasts approximately 1 hour and is performed under local anesthesia. For all facial thread treatments, we typically use about 8 threads. If there is a need for neck lifting, we may add 2-4 more threads. Generally, for eyebrow lifting, 4-6 threads are sufficient.
In summary, as with any procedure, opting for FDA-approved products administered by specialist physicians will be beneficial for achieving good results. Due to regulations from the Ministry of Health, sharing price information online is not permitted; for information regarding thread lifting prices, please contact us via our clinic phone.
Our phone number and WhatsApp contact line is +90 554 790 78 97